Release on Mar.28(Mon)-抽選販売-
MENS 26-29,30
NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNINGでは、上記商品の販売にあたり、応募による販売方式をとらせて頂きます。以下の応募規約(本応募規約といいます。)を確認の上、ご応募頂きますようお願い申し上げます。なお、応募者は、応募申し込みをすることによって、本応募に関する一切の事項について最終的で拘束力のある本応募規約およびNIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNINGの決定に全面的かつ無条件に同意したものとみなされます。また、本応募規約に定めるすべての要件を満たすことを応募の条件とします。
本応募は、日本時間 2016年 3月28日(月) 11時00分から20時00分まで、NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNINGの店頭で受け付けております。
応募時間内に、NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNINGに直接ご来店頂き、専用の申し込み用紙に、応募申し込みをしてください。お一人で複数回応募することはできません。
1. 免許証
2. 写真付き学生証
3. 写真付き住民基本台帳カード
4. パスポート
5. 外国人登録証
6. 在留資格カード
7. 身体障がい者手帳
8. Armed Forces Military Identification Card
応募締切後、NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNINGによる厳正な抽選のもと当選者を選出します。当選者の発表は、応募者の申込用紙に記入いただいたご住所へ、ハガキを発送させていただきます。当選結果は、ご当選した方へのみご連絡させていただきます。また、ハガキがお送り出来ない場合は当選が無効となる場合もございますので、ご了承ください。
当選ハガキに記載されている受け渡し期間内に、NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNINGまで直接ご来店ください。当該受け渡し期間内にご来店されない場合には、キャンセルされたものとみなします。ご購入の際は、ご本人を確認するための顔写真付き(コピー不可)の身分証明書と当選ハガキをご提示いただき、商品購入の際に当選ハガキを回収させて頂きます。また、ご購入商品の変更や交換・返品もお受けできません。
Terms of Application for Nike Product Sales
The product shown above will be sold to those selected in a drawing. Please review the following Terms of Application (hereafter called the "Terms") before entering into the drawing. By applying for the drawing, the entrants agree to be fully and unconditionally bound by these Rules and the decisions of NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNING. The applicants are required to meet all the conditions stated in the Terms.
Application Time and Date:
The application is accepted in NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNING from 11:00 to 20:00 on March 28. 2016(Mon).
Application Process:
The applicants shall come to NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNING in person and fill out the specified application form. Only one entry is permitted per customer.
You will be requested to present your ID with a face picture (no copy is accepted) upon application to confirm your identification.
Please note that if you do not have or bring your ID with you (no copy is accepted), you will not be eligible to enter into the drawing.
Please bring one of the following 8 identification cards:
1. Driver's license
2. Student ID card with picture
3. Basic Resident Registration Card with picture
4. Passport
5. Alien Registration Card
6. Certificate of resident eligibility
7. National Disability Identification Card
8. Armed Force Military Identification Card
*Expired ID cards or copy of your ID will not be accepted.
Identification will be deemed invalid no matter what the case may be, in case the customer cannot be identified.
Announcement of Drawing Winners:
Once the application window is closed, NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNING will select the winners by strict drawing. The winners will be notified by postcard sent to the address provided in the application form. Only the winners will receive notification regarding the result of the drawing. Please note that you may be disqualified if the postcard fails to be received.
Handover of the Product to the Drawing Winners:
Please come to NIKE KICHIJOJI RUNNING within the handover period specified in the winner announcement e-mail. If you fail to come to the store during said handover period, we will assume that you wish to cancel the booking. At the time of purchase, please present your ID with a face picture (no copy allowed) and the winner announcement postcard for identification. We will collect the winner announcement postcard upon your purchase of the product. Please note that you may not select another product for purchase and the product may not be exchanged or returned once purchased.